Feb 12, 2009

Introduction to Plant Breeding

CRSS (HORT) 4140/6140
Introduction to Plant Breeding
Instructor: Cecilia McGregor
1119 Plant Sciences Building
Office phone: 706-542-0782
Email: cmcgre1@uga.edu
Office Hours: tba

Lecture: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday – 1:25-2:15 pm
3203 Plant Sciences Building

The course will cover fundamental principles and theories utilized in the science of plant breeding and cultivar development, and the role breeding plays in plant improvement.

Class format
This class will meet annually during the Fall semester. This is a 3-hour course. The class will meet three times a week for lectures and discussions.

Attendance policy
Attendance is required. If a student has to miss class, make up work will be assigned by the instructor. Note: In-class participation will make up 10% of your final grade.

Undergraduate prerequisite: PGEN 3580-3580L or permission of major professor. Instructor will waive prerequisite if student has had reasonable exposure to genetics in another course.

Course outline
Historical perspectives and importance of plant breeding
General biological concepts
Germplasm issues
Genetic analysis in plant breeding
Tools in plant breeding
Classic methods of plant breeding
Selected plant breeding objectives
Cultivar release and commercial seed production
International breeding efforts
Emerging concepts in plant breeding
Breeding selected crops.

Grading policy
For undergraduates, grades will be based on in-class participation (10%) and three exams (including the final) (90%, each exam counts for 30%). Exams will cover all materials covered in class including guest lectures, discussion topics, papers and online resources.
For graduate credit, grades will be based on in-class participation (10%), three exams (including the final) (75%, each exam counts for 25%) and a term paper (15%). Exams will cover all materials covered in class including guest lectures, discussion topics, papers and online resources. The topic of the term paper can be chosen by the graduate student, with concurrence from the instructor (deadline Sept 18, 12 noon). The term paper should follow the format of a review paper in Crop Science. The paper is due November 20 at 5 pm. Late submission will result in a 5% reduction in grade for each tardy 24-hour period (or fraction thereof)

Policy for make-up of examinations
Please let me know in advance if you are going to miss an exam. Missing exams without prior notification and/or a legitimate reason will result in a zero grade for that exam. All make-up exams will be in the form of a one-on-one oral exam.

Required course material
Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding by George Acquaah, Wiley-Blackwell 2007, ISBN 978-1-4051-3646-4.
Students may be supplied with additional electronic and online materials as the class progresses.

All academic work must meet the standards contained in “A Culture of Honesty.” All students are responsible to inform themselves about those standards before performing any academic work. See: (http://www.uga.edu/honesty/)

Note: The course syllabus is a general plan for the course; deviations announced to the class by the instructor may be necessary

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