Jul 14, 2017

Congratulations Amaja

Amaja Andrews won 1st prize at the CAES Young Scholars Oral  competition. for her presentation entitled "Identifying a SNP marker for marker assisted selection of Fusarium Wilt Race 1 resistance in watermelon". Congratulations to Amaja and her mentor, Leigh Ann Fall.

Jul 5, 2017

Ph.D Assistanship Available - Spring 2018

A Ph.D. assistantship is available in our lab starting Spring 2018. The research will focus on early pathogen detection using molecular tools and high throughput phenotyping technologies (UAVs).  Candidates with a background in molecular biology and engineering are encouraged to apply. Interested parties should contact Dr. Cecilia McGregor (cmcgre1@uga.edu).

Update: This position has been filled.
